Truth in pricing.
Lowest fees.
Highest security.

Our pricing model removes all barriers to make GivePayments available to all businesses.
Best for premium card transactions and cost predictability.

True flat rate

Sign up online and have your GivePayments account up and running in minutes.
No contract, no minimums, no hidden fees
Full white label business suite
Go headless with API & SDK


+ 30 cents
per successful transaction
Contact a specialist
Best for high volume processing and debit cards.

Interchange Plus

Immediate access to GivePayments with a highly transparent yet simple pricing model.
Price based on paid fees over 12 months
Minimum annual processing requirement
Full flexibility of deployment model
IC + 10 BPS + 10 cents
20 BPS Concierge services & technology, 20 BPS GiveTrust fraud prevention
Contact a specialist
Elevate your business with GivePayments

Fully loaded with
absolutely no add-on fees

Premium support services

Chargeback Concierge
Dedicated client services
Online self service resources
Online Knowledge Base

Powerful provider & merchant portals

Intuitive interfaces and dashboards
Drag and drop payment form builder
User friendly CRM
Revenue boosting business tools

Seamless payment processing & fraud prevention

Pre-approved instant processing
Digital POS with tap to pay
Perpetual transaction monitoring
Processor-connected payment forms

Next-level merchant onboarding & monitoring

AI-Driven underwriting
Embeddable merchant sign-up
Infinitely scalable dedicated merchant accounts
Complete merchant oversight
Pricing Options

Experience pricing that brings clarity and confidence to your business journey.


Simple unlimited and fixed transaction based pricing. Available to all providers and platforms with no contractual commitment, no monthly minimum, no hidden fees.
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Recommended for High Volume Credit Cards

True Flat Rate (TFR)

Single flat rate for all credit & debit cards
0.001% per transfer
Absolutely no other fees
Compare with industry standard flat rate

+ 30 cents

Per Transaction


Recommended for High Volume Debit Cards

Interchange Plus (IC+)

Network access 10 BPS + 10 cents
Concierge services & technology 20 BPS
GiveTrust fraud prevention 20 BPS
Compare with industry standard IC+
IC + 10 BPS

+ 10 cents 

Per Transaction


Bespoke TFR or IC+ pricing for large providers processing >$500MM per annum. Ability to earn full payfac privileges through GivePayments' progressive Trust Score and Trust Tier model.
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Recommended for High Volume Platforms & SaaS

Discounted TFR

Simplify payments with consistent fees
Predictable budgeting and forecasting
Control margin per payment method and merchant
Custom Pricing


Recommended for High Volume Payment Providers

Discounted IC+

Tailor and personalize payment offerings
Optimize margins to match business needs
Drive merchant retention with transparent pricing
Custom Pricing


A revenue share partnership to boost growth or to facilitate an exit. Subject to merchant or portfolio valuation. Revenue share expires and ownership transfers once the valuation price has been paid out in full.f
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Revenue Share Empowering Growth

Merchant Acquisition

Boost income with a strategic merchant sale
Improve margin through a full service agreement
Monetize less-preferred merchant categories
Custom Agreement


Revenue Share Enabling Exit

Portfolio Acquisition

Transition an entire portfolio with a pre-agreed time horizon
Earn predictable payouts while reduced operational costs
Maintain oversight and brand continuity until the end of the agreement
Custom Agreement

Expand your business horizons.

Instant access to secure payment processing for all your digital transactions.

Get in touch

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